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April Events and Meetings

Welcome to Spring!  Surfrider Humboldt has an amazing number of events this month to celebrate both the 40th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act and the 42nd Anniversary of Earth Day!  If you can’t find something fun to do from the list below, you might want to check for a pulse!


Membership Drive

April 2-7 at varying locations

Hey, you! Yes, you! You love long walks on the beach... the beauty of the waves... the majesty of the ocean and the amazing creatures who call it home. You care. And, hey! Your Humboldt Surfrider chapter also loves those things! And cares! So help us protect what we both think is worthy of protection – the beaches, waves and ocean – by joining Surfrider during our April membership drive.

Starting Monday, April 2 and running through Saturday, April 7, Humboldt Surfrider offers you great membership deals and advance tickets to our 2nd Beach Ball event. Are you due to renew? You can do that, too! Look out for what you love – support Humboldt Surfrider!

 A new or renewing membership of $25 includes a free reusable bag, stickers and entry into a daily raffle for free tickets to the Beach Ball! Free coffee and snacks will be available at mid-day events.  This is a zero waste effort so bring your own mug, or use one of ours, but plan to drink your coffee with us.  Our goal is to sell 43 memberships.  C’mon folks!  Step up and show your support.  We know where your surf!

Monday, April 2:  Neighborhood Humboldt, 685 11th St., Arcata, Noon-2 p.m.

Tuesday, April 3: Arcata Co-op 4-7 p.m.
Wednesday, April 4: Flying Fish Boardworks, 2006 4th St.,  Eureka Noon-2 p.m.
Thursday, April 5: Eureka Co-op 4-7 p.m.
Friday, April 6: Salty's Surf, Skate and Tackle, 332 Main St., Trinidad Noon-2 p.m.
Saturday, April 7: Camel Rock 8-10 a.m.

Ocean Night

Thursday 5 April Arcata Theater Lounge  Doors at 6:30  Movie at 7

 Splinters, praised by ESPN for “reviving the surf film genre,” combines great on-wave action with high drama. Restricted by gender, culture and limited jobs, a group of athletes competes for a national championship as a ticket off the paradise of Papua New Guinea. A standout on the festival circuit since its Tribeca premiere! All-ages, but note: Splinters does contain some violence. $3 donation requested.

Beach Ball 2

Saturday 7 April Arcata Theater Lounge Doors at 7:30

The dunes meet the waves Saturday, April 7, Friends of the Dunes and Humboldt Surfrider join together for the Beach Ball 2 at the Arcata Theatre Lounge. The event features local music by The Grass Band (these boys are funky) and the Missing Link Record Crew, surf flicks, coastal slideshows and a raffle that includes 2 Patagonia wetsuits, 2 surfboards (McClendon and Channel Islands) and more. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door.  Want your 5 seconds of fame?  Donate a photo of yourself or your friends surfing for display on the big screen.  Volunteering for the event gets you in for free but space is limited.  Contact MJ at to volunteer and for photo submissions. Tickets are on sale at our membership drive locations, the Works, Missing Link Records, Neighborhood Humboldt, Humboldt Coastal Nature Center and the Arcata Theatre Lounge. The Beach Ball is a 21- and-over event.

 World Water Day

Tuesday 10 April 11-3 HSU Quad

Join the HSU Green Campus Program for a water-themed, interactive festival in honor of Water Awareness Month and the 40th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act.  Local organizations and student groups will share their perspectives on local water issues, water quality and water conservation.  Surfrider will have a table so come on by and check out our new Surfrider stickers, t-shirts and hoodies.  Volunteers for this event would be greatly appreciated!

 Chapter Meeting/Volunteer Training

Tuesday 10 April 6 – 730 p.m. Humbrews Next Door

We have free beer but you must attend our meeting to get it!  Ha!  We have heaps of fun discussing our current programs, projects, future events and most amazing surf sessions.  Immediately following the meeting we will have a short Outreach Volunteer (do you like to meet people and share your love of the ocean?) and Ban the Bag Humboldt training.  We will teach you how to make reusable bags out of t-shirts and screen print our Ban the Bag logo.  Bring a t-shirt or hoodies and make your own screen print!  Volunteers will receive a free Surfrider Chico bag!  Please email to reserve your space.  After the training, hang out with the Surfrider crew to enjoy the Savage Henry Comedy Show at Humbrews. Because the threats to our ocean aren't funny, you might as well get a laugh while you can!

Ban the Bag at Arcata Co-op 1st Farmers’ Market

Saturday April 14 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Come celebrate the first Farmers’ Market of the year and make a reusable bag out of a t-shirt!  This one is super fun for the kiddies, young and old.  We will have a table at the Arcata Co-op and show you how to make a reusable bag then screen print the Ban the Bag Humboldt logo.  Or, bring us a shirt of your own and we will screen print it for free! Our recently trained Outreach Volunteers will be there to assist you.

 Los Bagels Presents Earth Day Beach Cleanup at Mad River Beach

Sunday 22 April 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Be part of the solution to marine pollution! Cleaning up our beaches is a great way for families, service groups, and neighbors to join together, take care of our shared natural resources, enjoy the outdoors and have fun! Join Humboldt Green Week, Humboldt Baykeeper, and the Tobacco Free Education Network in our monthly beach cleanup.  Help us green the event and bring your own 5 gallon bucket and work gloves.  Los Bagels is sponsoring, so you know what that means!