SATURDAY April 8th
Doors 6:30pm Presentations and Films 7:00pm
All Ages
$3 Suggested Donation

This month we will be featuring presentations by Reef Check and the Marine Science Student Association.
Anna Newman, Reef Check North Coast Regional Manager, will be discussing citizen science, sub-tidal monitoring along the North Coast, and Reef Check's new Abalone specific program in conjunction with The Nature Conservancy.
The Marine Science Student Association will be talking about who they are, and how they hope to make more collaboration between students/faculty and interdisciplinary fields of marine science by putting on events and fostering communication.
I HAD TOO MUCH TO DREAM LAST NIGHT- IDeus ex Machina in collaboration with Raen are super stoked to present the latest occular extraviganza.
To give you the good oil, the movie follows the simplistic travels of two surfers, meeting friends along the way, on an open ended journey across an archipelago littered with islands and breaks. Connected by ribbons of tarmac and separated by deep ocean valleys these islands have been here for millennia and will continue to do so for millennia to come. An veritable eden for waves of every nature, from long reeling glassy points breaks to sketchy urchin infested waves in the middle of nowhere.