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Break-ins at Bay Street, end of the spit

(h/t LoCO):

Thieves smashed in the windows of three cars parked on the Samoa Peninsula yesterday, according to the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office, all around 10:15 a.m.

The first reported burglary took place down on the Bureau of Land Management property, south of the U.S. Coast Guard Station. The victim said she was about 100 yards from her unoccupied vehicle when she witnessed two male suspects, one wearing a red sweatshirt, smash the front window of her vehicle, and steal her black Hewitt Packard laptop and black iPod, both which she'd left on the front seat. The woman yelled at the suspects who then fled in a newer model grey Toyota pickup truck with an extended cab and a camper shell on the back.

Around the same time, the Sheriff's office received two additional reports of vehicle burglaries on the peninsula. The second and third victim vehicles were parked in a turnout just south of the Fairhaven Power plant. Both cars had their windows smashed. Both victims reported being away from their vehicles during the same approximate 20-minute time period. One victim had her brown leather purse and wallet stolen. The other victim had a green North Face backpack stolen which contained the victims’ school books and related paperwork.

The Sheriff's Office requests anyone seeing suspicious activity near vehicles parked on area beaches to call and report it. The public is also reminded to not leave valuables in their vehicles, especially in plain sight. Discreetly lock valuables in the trunk of your vehicle or take them with you when you walk on area beaches and trails. If your wallet or purse is stolen, immediately call your credit card company and/or banks. Thieves will usually try to use the cards as soon as possible before they are reported stolen and rendered useless.

Break-ins on the spit are not unusual, sadly. Has this happened to you? Thoughts on prevention?