"We, the people of California, have lost faith in the California Coastal Commissioners that shamefully fired esteemed Executive Director Dr. Charles Lester for no cause in blatant disregard of the millions of residents who voiced overwhelming support for his exemplary record and the Commission’s work under his leadership, and did so behind closed doors after being explicitly instructed by their legal counsel that they were free to deliberate in public.
On the 40th Anniversary of the Coastal Act, we remain its hopeful and committed defenders and intend to redouble our efforts to make sure that the coast is protected for all.
Join us in ensuring that the spirit of social justice that inspired the Coastal Act's mission prevails to guarantee all Californians' the right to enjoy our coast." - Robert Garcia, Director, The City Project and Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš, Director, Azul
Petitioning all Californians and those who Cherish the Coast

Media Coverage can be found at the following sites:
LA Times
Outside Live Bravely Mag