Doors 6:30pm Films 7pm
All Ages
$3 Suggested Donation
This month we are pleased to feature films and presentations by Trinidad School students and teachers and an all time favorite surf flim, Castles In The Sky!
Trinidad School at Ocean Night
Trinidad School students immerse themselves in the water world. Students embark on a journey through a marine habitat every year in May through a whole school immersion program called M.AR.E. Marine Activities, Resource Education is an inquiry- based science program developed by Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science.
During the month of May- otherwise known as Ocean Month, students learn about their class' ocean habitat, doing inquiry- based projects and activities, and exploring on field trips. Presentations at Ocean Night will include some of Trinidad kids’ projects such as, the Salmon Trash Art project to raise awareness about the Klamath's salmon, a citizen science project with HSU’s marine lab to monitor sea star wasting disease, a student film about Trinidad’s CCNM and we’ll also honor our surf club groms!
Castles In The Sky:
Filmed in five countries over three years, the documentary delves into the heart of the locations while the surfers travel through them with a sense of open-minded awe. With never-before seen waves and some of the best surfers in the world contributing their art, passion and athleticism, this is as close to the experience of pioneering new coastlines as you can get without getting on a plane.