
June Surfrider Newsletter

Written by Surfrider Humboldt | Jun 4, 2012 3:46:34 PM

June 2012 Newsletter

Check out Surfriders upcoming events this month!
Ocean Night/Heather Bonser-Bishop Memorial Raffle
Thursday 7 June Arcata Theater Lounge
Doors at 6:30 First movie at 7

 This months featured flick is Disney’s Oceans

Every month: Ocean Night! From majestic documentaries to epic surf flicks, explore the great blue sea with Ocean Conservancy, Humboldt Surfrider and Humboldt Baykeeper.  Junes Ocean Night includes a raffle drawing for a Marc McClendeon Surfboard and a Matt Beard canvas print. All proceeds from the raffle sales will go to Heather Bonser-Bishops family.  Please come out to Ocean Night, make a donation, and show your support for a fallen fellow surfer. RIP Heather.

Reusable Bag Giveaway to Ban the Bag Humboldt!

Arcata CO-OP Farmers’ Market

Saturday June 9 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Come celebrate the Farmers’ Market and make a reusable bag out of a t-shirt!  We will have a table at the Arcata Co-op and show you how to make a reusable bag, then screen print the Ban the Bag Humboldt logo.  Or, bring us a shirt of your own and we will screen print it for free for you to wear to proudly show your support! The dreaded Bag Monster will be cruising the plaza and the Co-Op parking lot.  Beware the Monster!

Bag Ban  Ordinance

Thursday June 14 6:30 p.m.

The long awaited Bag Ban Ordinance will finally be on the Humboldt Waste Management Authority agenda.  We ask you and everyone you know to show up wearing your Ban the Bag Humboldt! t-shirt (if you don’t have one then bring a shirt to be screen printed at the 9 June event) and show your continued support for this important issue.
International Surf Day/Friends of the Dunes Sand Sculptures

Sunday 17 June Manila

10 a.m. – 1130 a.m.

 In honor of International Surf Day we are collaborating with Friends of the Dunes Sand Sculpture Contest. For International Surf Day surfers and ocean lovers around the globe are encouraged take some time to give back to our oceans, waves and beaches.   Surfrider will be set up at the event with food for sale, beach cleaning supplies, prizes for trash sculptures and face painting.  If you would like to volunteer at this event please email Casey Schuetzle at

Members Meeting
Tuesday 12 June Humboldt Brewery

7 p.m. – 8 p.m.

 Join Surfrider Humboldt for our monthly meeting.  Get involved with current campaigns and programs like beach cleanups, educational outreach, and local plastic bag ban efforts.  Also, enjoy a beer on us!