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May Events

A huge thanks to everyone that supported and attended all the April Humboldt Surfrider events.  The Beach Ball 2, with Friends of the Dunes, was a blast and brought in a ton of support from local businesses and community members.  During Surfriders membership drive we gained 33 new/renewing members.  If you didn't get an opportunity to signup/renew your membership for Surfrider Humboldt Chapter, just ask anyone working at our upcoming events to get you dialed in!  Earth Day beach cleanup was awesome and over 50 people came out to clean the beach. Thanks to our partners at the Tobacco Education Network and Humboldt Baykeeper.  In our cleanup efforts we removed a huge trailer full of trash off of the Samoa peninsula including a big ol’couch!  Check out pictures from all the events on our Facebook page.

Ocean Night
Thursday 3 May Arcata Theater Lounge
Doors at 6:30 First movie at 7

Featured flick for Ocean Night this month is Ocean Frontiers.   Ocean Frontiers takes us on an inspiring voyage to seaports and watersheds across the country—from the busy shipping lanes of Boston Harbor to a small fishing community in the Pacific Northwest; from America’s coral reefs in the Florida Keys to the nation’s premier seafood nursery in the Mississippi Delta. Here we meet an intermingling of unlikely allies, of industrial shippers and whale biologists, pig farmers and wetland ecologists, sport and commercial fishermen, reef snorkelers and many more, all of them embarking on a new course of cooperation, in defense of the seas that sustain us.

Chapter Meeting
Tuesday 8 May Humboldt Brewery

7pm – 8pm**

**Please note change in start time for summer hours**

 Join us over a cold beer to discuss our current programs and campaigns.  The meeting is open to the public. This month we will focus on our Rise Above Plastics (RAP) program.  Plastic is the most common marine litter worldwide and simple local actions can help solve this global issue.

RAP is a Surfrider program with the mission to reduce the impacts of plastics in the marine environment by raising awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and by advocating for a reduction of single-use plastics and the recycling of all plastics. This month we want to re-start the RAP working group, meeting every other month to plan strategy on the Ban the Bag Humboldt campaign and to develop plastics awareness presentations for youth and adults through education and outreach.  This is a great opportunity to become involved in a local program that will help reduce waste in our community. Please contact MJ for more information at

Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Trinidad

Saturday 12 May Seawood Drive exit Highway 101

10 am – 1130 am

Join Surfrider for our monthly cleanup.  Volunteers will meet north of Trinidad off of Hwy 101 on the Seawood Drive Exit.  HWY 101 is a beautiful route running along side our precious coast and lagoons.   Help keep our coast clean, and prevent trash from entering into our waterways by joining Surfrider and friends for a cleanup.  Surfrider provides all cleaning supplies and protective gear.  Event will cancel in the event of pouring rain.  For more information contact Casey at

Ban the Bag at Kinetic Grand Championship Day 1
Halvorsen Park Eureka
Saturday May 26
3 – 7 p.m.

Come celebrate the Kinetic Grand Championship and make a reusable bag out of a t-shirt!  We will have a table at Halvorsen Park, along side all the kinetic machines,  and we will show you how to make a reusable bag then screen print the Ban the Bag Humboldt logo.  Or, bring us a shirt of your own and we will screen print it for free!  Join in the Kinetic madness and show your support for the Bag Ban.  We need volunteers for this event.  Be a Surfrider hero and sign up to help! Contact MJ at
For the Glory!