
Meeting Minutes / June 2011

Written by Surfrider Humboldt | Jul 24, 2011 2:31:20 PM

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Jen Savage, Colleen Clifford, Debbie Topping, Meri Wagy

Starting by introducing new Volunteer Coordinator, Meri Wagy, Jen Savage reported that she and Meri would be attending the Surfrider Conference in Ventura.

TREASURY:  In the absence of the Treasurer, Jen Savage reported the treasury balance (less the cost of beer for the evening’s meeting).

RAP:  Colleen Clifford reported that
•    The State Senate had passed SB568 which would prohibit the use of #6/polystyrene takeout containers.
•    The RAP group was working on developing a “leave-behind” card that could be left when you visit a restaurant that is either a positive affirmation of plastic avoidance OR a reminder to a restaurant who is not being conscientious about the use of single-use plastics.
•    HWMA is developing a bag ban but RAP is not on their agenda for June.  The Environment Impact Report is going out to bid.  Todd Cardiff, a San Diego lawyer, has offered his services pro-bona to any group trying to pass the bag ban and being threatened by the chemical industry.
•    Manhattan Beach vs. State of California went to the State Supreme Court on May 5 because Manhattan Beach did not commission an EIR prior to a bag ban.  The Court has 90 days to make a decision.
•    We have the Bag Monster on permanent loan from Chico Bags.

JETTY SHOWER: Jen Savage would follow-up with Scott Willets and Mark Lovelace regarding the leak in the pipe and repair of the leak.  She reiterated the symbolic importance of the shower due to its coming from proceeds of the original lawsuit against the LP and Simpson pulp mills in the early 90s.

TRINIDAD LAND TRUST: Surfrider and Trinidad Land Trust member Matt Malkus was present to request funds from Surfrider to replenish exhausted reserves.  The fund (used for maintenance of beach access trails at Moonstone, Lufenholtz, Martin Creek, etc) is down to $300 which Humboldt Area Foundation is allowing to stay active in spite of balance below minimum.  The Land Trust and Surfrider have similar goals which include maintaining beach access.  Work needs to be done on the upper trail as well as replacing the cable on the south trail.  The Trust will invite Surfrider to join a work party in the near future.

With four of six Board members present, a motion was made to make a $2000 donation, contingent on the installation of the “Etiquette Sign” at Camel Rock.
M/S/A            Savage/Topping/Unanimous

Also discussed was the cost to run the shower at Moonstone Beach.  Cost is $800 per month to run the pump to provide water to the shower.  The parking lot is in need of surfacing and a fundraiser was suggested to raise $5,000 to gravel the lot.  The idea of partnering with Cher-Ae Heights Rancheria was suggested with a fundraiser suggested to be held at the Casino due to their proximity to the area.

Meri brought up the following dates:
•    Saturday, June 18: Oyster Fest (Bag Monster appearance?
•    Sunday, June 19: International Surf Day beach cleanup at Samoa Beach
•    Monday, June 20, showing of “Surfs Up” at ATL
•    Thursday, July 7, Ocean Night.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15. The next meeting is scheduled for August 2.

Respectfully Submitted,  Debbie Topping, Chapter Secretary