March 13, 2012 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order with delicious brew at Humbrews in Arcata.
Officers Present:
Jen Savage – President
Scott Willits – Treasurer
Casey Schuetzle – Secretary
MJ Mazurek – Volunteer Coordinator
Treasury Report
Scott Willits reported the books to be balanced at $3,851.00. That balance includes the recent payment of $2000.00 to the Trinidad Land Trust for trail maintenance at Camel Rock, which Humboldt Surfrider is proud to support. More funds are to be raised through Surfriders largest event of the year, co-hosted with Friends of the Dunes, the 2nd Annual Beach Ball on April 7th at Arcata Theater Lounge.
Rise Above Plastics/Ban the Bag Report
MJ Mazurek, volunteer coordinator and RAP leader, updated on the current status of the plastic bag ban efforts. It is near the two-year anniversary since the launch of the campaign. Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) is currently working on drafting a 'buffet' style ordinance that member cities and city councils (Arcata, Eureka, Blue Lake, Ferndale, Rio Dell, and unincorporated Humboldt County) can choose from to tailor fit a bag ban to each city. Surfrider is continuing to build more support from the community through outreach and education from tabling at events. Bag ban supporters will be needed to attend city council and county Supervisor meetings to voice their support for the bans.
Hold on to Your Butts Campaign
Surfrider has launched a new campaign! Jen Savage, teamed up with The Tobacco Education Network, is leading Surfriders 'Hold On To Your Butts' campaign, which aims to eliminate cigarette litter in Humboldt County. Cigarette butts are the most littered item and often end up in drains, which flow to streams, rivers, bays, lagoons and ultimately, the ocean. To raise awareness, local filmmaker Malcolm DeSoto is finishing up a PSA filmed in an alley in Old Town Eureka featuring Andrew Goff, encompassing the campaigns message to not throw cigarette butts onto the ground. Jen says the clip is “cute & clever.” There will be an additional PSA that is animated. Unfortunately Jen wouldn’t disclose details of the video, but announced they will be featured at an upcoming Ocean Night. Lou Moerner, from the Tobacco Education Network, said that after the cigarette cleanups she takes the collected cigarette butts to city council meetings to drive the message home on the problem of cigarette litter. Surfrider will be researching Grant opportunities or looking for sponsorship from local bars to support education and outreach related to the campaign.
Cleanup Report
A successful HWY cleanup for March was reported. It was brought to attention of the membership that the creek running alongside Seawood Drive had several tires in it as well as other trash. It was noted as a 'Red flag', and the appropriate organization (likely the County) will be contacted so that the trash can be safely removed and transferred to an appropriate waste facility.
Upcoming Events/Volunteer Opportunities for April
April 5th 6:30 Ocean Night
April 7th, 2nd Annual Beach Ball (Arcata Theater Lounge)
This collaborative fundraiser will support the important work of Surfrider Humboldt and Friends of the Dunes
April 2nd – 7th Membership Drive
April 2 -- table at Eureka Co-op from 5-7pm
April 3 -- table at Flying Fish from noon-2pm
April 4 -- table at Arcata Co-op from 5-7pm
April 5 -- table at the Neighborhood from noon-2pm
April 6 -- table at Salty’s from noon-2pm
April 7 -- table at Camel Rock from 8-10am
April 10 – Members Meeting 6pm (location to be announced)
April 21, 22nd -- Humboldt Green Fest
April 22nd – Earth Day Beach Cleanup with our friends at Humboldt Baykeeper
Volunteers are needed for all of the above events. Volunteering gets you into events for free! To volunteer at any event please email