There are THREE opportunities to participate in OFG work days this week! Wednesday (9/27) and Thursday (9/28) at Trinidad School, and Saturday (9/30) at a residential home. Spaces are limited so please RSVP to reserve your spot!
Trinidad School OFG Installation - (5 spots per day available)
We are partnering with the City of Trinidad and Trinidad School to create an Ocean Friendly Garden and outdoor education area! The garden is designed to infiltrate and treat storm water runoff from the
adjacent downspouts around an existing storm drain in a grassy courtyard between several classroom wings. We are looking for 5 volunteers per day. Send us a message or Email us at humboldt@surfrider.org to reserve your spot!
Workday/Demonstration- Saturday September 30th 1-4:00pm (10 spots available)
Our OFG coordinator, Josh Koepke is hosting an OFG work day/demonstration! This garden will be dedicated to the late Paul Herzog who helped pioneer the Ocean Friendly gardens program at surfrider and recently past away. He was a passionate advocate for building healthy soil and growing these amazing gardens to benefit us all!
Please contact Josh at josh.s.koepke@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to sign up for the hands on demonstration on how to incorporate stormwater into your landscape.