Listen to Coastal Currents on KHUM today at noon to hear all about Day Without a (disposable) Bag. Tomorrow, Thursday, December 15 from 11AM - 1PM, Humblodt Baykeeper and Surfrider will have tables at four grocery stores in Humboldt
asking shoppers to forgo disposable bags. The fun begins when YOU the shopper brings in old t-shirts and WE the volunteers cut and sew them into a reusable bag and screen print them with our "Ban the Bag Humboldt" logo. If you want the logo on a t-shirt to wear, bring in a shirt and we will screen print it for free! Bring your friends and family! Please donate your old t-shirts for the event!
Locations Are: 11AM - 1 PM at Eureka Natural Foods, Wildberries, Rays Arcata and Ray's Mckinleyville.